Join the revolution

Therapy will never be the same, harness the power of Ai Assistants

Using our powerful and refined Ai technology you can save yourself time while improving your customer experience.

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You will never have this opportunity
again until it's
too late

Ai is rapidly taking over the world of Therapy, after it made it's debut, I am one of the only people on the planet offering this to therapists, and one of the first too.

Join the Ai revolution before it overthrows your business, you can globalise your skills, earn passive income and get traction on the national, or even global market.

I am telling you now, you have no idea what Ai means for Therapy, it means people will be giving you money constantly, for doing essentially nothing, make this is the Industrial Revolution for your Business.

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Features that I will provide.

These are all the features my service will have and why you should opt for this new movement with Ai

What it is and does

I will be selling you a piece of code which would be an Ai Assistant, this Assistant will be taught all about Therapy, it will also learn your speech patterns and vocabulary, so it can sound indistinguishable from actual therapist conversing over text, there are hundreds of platforms for you but I recommend Instagram, Whatsapp, Telegram and Website integrated.

What do I need from you?

I ask you for two things to input to optimise the quality of your bot, cash, and long-form text, ideally a PDF book; the more information sent, the more human the bot feels, and the higher its IQ.

The variety of features

My Ai Assistants for therapists have a high level of customisation with a plethora of features you can pick and choose from, for example the “typing” feature with randomisation for authenticity, tell me which features you’d like on your consultation call and I will provide it.

How you can structure it

You, as a therapist can actually profit from this purchase by asking me to add a paywall, this makes talking to your ‘Ai Therapist’ a paid service for you to monetise, I recommend a monthly recurring fee so you can generate passive income.

All other fees

Aside from the setup cost there is a tiny maintenance cost and a minuscule running cost,you can expect your monthly bill to be £100-£500, this will be negated by the cash flow your paywall will generate, your Ai Therapist will be a paid service which you profit from.

Why you need this

There has never been an opportunity for therapists to earn passive monthly income online, and you are extremely lucky to have found this now while it’s not too late, therapies that harness the power of Ai are far surpassing therapies that don’t and leaving them to go bankrupt. Ai is the future, don’t let your company get eaten alive by the market of the future.

Why is this something you need?

Allows you to earn passively with little to no work.

Gives your users 24/7 access.

Allows you to have a larger and global client base.

Get started

Find the right package for YOU

Find the right price package that suits your needs, all payments are
made and secured through Stripe after we have had a
consultation call to discuss what is best.

Pricing details

A perfect plan for everybody

Crafted for world-class performance and developed with unmatched expertise, Pulse will deliver outstanding results every time, without fail.



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High quality and depth

Relatively human with a very high IQ

Compatible on different platforms

Conversations are not confidential

Standard (Recommended)


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Basic +

Better quality answers

Unlimited conversational memory

More human than basic



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Standard +

Most advanced technology

Indistinguishable from a real human

Private LLM allowing for confidential conversation

Frequently Asked


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What our customers say

Crafted for world-class performance and developed with unmatched expertise, Pulse will deliver outstanding results every time, without fail.

Pulse transformed our business. It's user-friendly, offers valuable real-time data analysis, top-notch security, and excellent customer support. Highly recommended!

Patrick Leukers

Tech lead, Companix

Pulse transformed our business. It's user-friendly, offers valuable real-time data analysis, top-notch security, and excellent customer support. Highly recommended!

Patrick Leukers

Tech lead, Companix

Pulse transformed our business. It's user-friendly, offers valuable real-time data analysis, top-notch security, and excellent customer support. Highly recommended!

Patrick Leukers

Tech lead, Companix

Get started and improve your clients’ experience while earning monthly recurring payments, passively.”

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